(First part)
Memory verse (Isaiah 66:8) “ Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Shall the earth be made to give birth in one day? Or shall a nation be born at once? For as soon as Zion was in labor, She gave birth to her children ”
God has a plan for your life (Jer29: 11). You do not simply exist. There was something that God had on his heart concerning your life even before you were born (Jer1: 5). God designed us fit for our purposes and in fact the reason you were created and born is to fulfill your God ordained plans. It’s amazing, when a baby girl is born, she is born with everything within her body that will make her a mother one day. She is born with a womb inside her, ovaries and ovum etc. Hundreds of children are in her in seed form. All her infant year of growth she carries hundreds of other children within her in seed form until the time of maturity when she gets married and the seeds inside get fertilized and she conceives and she is pregnant and finally after 9 months she gives birth to a child. She can have as many children as she chooses; birthing and birthing and birthing!!!
The Angel said to Mary the mother of Jesus, the Holy Spirit would come upon her and God’s power would overshadow her and then Jesus would be conceived in her womb (paraphrased), (Luke 1:35). When we are born again as children of God, God’s Spirit come upon our lives and there are spiritual activities that begin to take place in our lives. God begins to put dreams inside our spirits, dreams that defines our purpose for creation (Ephes2: 10). God created different people differently for different purposes. And as we walk with God, he begins to plant in our spirit wombs different visions, burden, dreams, ideas etc. Perhaps you have been there and you are confused as a child of God, your life seems empty and worthless, you feel as if you are barren in the spirit, you are not productive and fruitless in your life. Nothing tangible seems to come out of your life. For many years as believer I lived like this. All my efforts seemed fruitless, my preaching brought no results, and my prayers seemed to produce no answers. I was frustrated for many years until the Lord began to speak to me through (Is 54: 1-4). This has been my personal word for many years and I would like to encourage you. Your God is your husband, he will put seeds in your spirit womb, man or woman and you’ll begin birth your dreams, ministries, businesses etc, (Is54: 5).
Tomorrow’s subject: “Conception of divine dreams”
(Second part)
Memory verse (Isaiah 6:8-9a) “Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: Whom shall I send, And who will go for Us? Then I said, Here am I! Send me. And He said, Go, and tell this people ”
Dreams are conceived through communion. We discover our purposes from God through the time we spend with him. Isaiah had a divine encounter with God and through that moment with God he heard God’s voice asking: “ Whom shall I send? ” and Isaiah’s response was: here am send me Lord. We can never know what plans God has for us until we choose to spend quality time in his presence. Many children of God are too busy running after anything that passes by their eyes. Many try to do what others are doing. Many are running after other people. But until you discover your race and find your lane you’ll never be fulfilled in life and you’ll never maximize your potential. This world is like a market place. It’s full of all kinds of things and all things seem good to you. If you are not careful, this world will take you for a ride and it will wear you out. Because you will keep running after everything that is appealing to your eyes. So many believers waste all their lives just imitating other people, doing what they were not created to do.
The price of not spending time with God is so high. You miss God’s plans and purposes for your life. Your life is spiritually barren. When God‘s presence comes on our lives, there is spiritual activation. God begins to open our eyes and ears to hear his voice. God begins to release gifts, his anointing, life into our life. Things that were dead begin to come alive inside us. Things that God created inside us like talents, God’s anointing begins to come upon us. Things that seemed natural in us begin to become mighty instruments in God‘s hands. The Holy Spirit begins to bring dreams, vision, ideas, and revelations in our spirits. Things that were in seed form in us begin to be touched by God’s presence and they become reality.
God is waiting for you in the conception place. A prayer place is a place of conceiving dreams from heaven. God wants to make your heart full of dreams from heaven that will empower your life. God wants your life to be meaning full and fruitful and satisfying. You are not barren; you are only lacking time to spend with God. Get in the place where God’s power and presence will begin to brood over your life. There are things inside you that will begin to develop into powerful dreams that will make your life exciting.
Tomorrow’s subject: “ Incubation of dreams ”
(Third part)
Memory verse (Isaiah 66:9) “ Shall I bring to the time of birth, and not cause delivery? says the LORD ”.
There is a time of conception and a time of birthing. In between these two great events, is a process of incubation. Every dream needs proper incubation to mature before it is birthed. When a mother is pregnant, that developing child inside has to spend 9 months inside the womb. That is the proper time ordained by God for the human being to be ready to be born.
Do you have a dream from God in your heart? Your dream need to be fed or it will die or miscarriage. When God began to give me dreams about the nation of Burundi I was a minister in another ministry in Rwanda. I was the assistant to the senior pastor. All my life was that church. God one day spoke to me that I have to feed the new dream that he had put in my heart or else it would die. God wanted me to begin focusing on the dream he had given me while serving in that ministry. I began to pray about it, I spent some time in fasting for it to be clear, I started meditating on it and as I did, it grew. The burden for the nation of Burundi became bigger and bigger. Then I began to think about the transition, I shared with my pastor after 5 months of carrying this new pregnancy, after about 8 months I went into the nation of Burundi for the first time just to have a feeling of it. By this time all my life was consumed by the burden for the nation. I would dream about it in the night, it would fill my prayer, I had the message from God for it, not once I would pray for it in tears and finally I was released by my pastor in Rwanda and after few months a new child was born, i.e. the ministry God had put in my spirit about Burundi. My dear ones, please get a dream from God that will make your worthwhile and that will make you significant in your generation. Feed your dream, don’t allow it to die of starvation. Feed your dreams with God’s word and prayer. Go to a good spiritual church that will feed the dream in your spirit properly, spend time with people that speak words that feed your dream not those whose words kill faith and dreams. A dreamless life is a worthless, powerless, purposeless, fruitless and miserable life a person can ever live. Get a dream. If you have one, man, don’t drop your dream, protect it, feed it, and love it. Don’t abort it for whatever reason and don’t allow miscarriage. Never allow the devil to steal it from you. Amen.
Tomorrow’s subject: “ Birthing time ”
(Fourth part)
Memory verse (Isaiah 66:9): “ Shall I bring to the time of birth, and not cause delivery? says the LORD ”
One of the greatest living dramas in life is when a mother comes to the time of Birthing. It’s such an experience like a Hollywood film. The whole body system of the mother becomes violent and turbulent. For 9 months, the child enjoyed a very calm, comfortable life inside the womb and all of a sudden the sea becomes rocked with waves of birth pains. The child is squeezed out. The birthing time is a time of life or death. There are risks, a mother and the child can both die in the process, or the child or the mother can die in the process. Rebecca the wife of Jacob died in the process but the child Benjamin survived. Hezekiah put it this way: the children are come to birth but there is no strength to push. At the birthing time no mother remember food, sleep disappear completely, every thing stop and there is only one thing: bringing forth the new life. It’s the greatest battle of mankind. It's no fun and it’s not a game.
In my life I have experienced the birthing process twice. God called me to the ministry in 1996 and from that time there was something that came into my life that I could not deny. I began to walk with that sense of calling. As time went on and I went on praying more and more, the weight of the calling became bigger and bigger. I remember after I finished college and I was working in 1997, I would be in my office working and all of a sudden I would feel the sense of the calling. I would stop working for about a minute, then I would tell the Lord: “ Lord you know am not supposed to be here forever, so when the time comes for me to go to where you want me to serve you, please open those gates and let me go”. And that’s how God worked, when the time came, the company director laid off some workers and I was one of them. That very day while sleeping the Lord gave me a vision about the nation of Rwanda. I can’t tell in words how I began to feel from that time until when I transferred to Rwanda. Everybody was asking me: where are you going? What are you going to do? Who are you going with? Who is going to support you?... I had no answer for all their questions yet none of their questions could stop me, it was my birthing time. I went and shared with my pastor and told him God is calling and sending me to Rwanda, thank God for men who sense the heart of God.
We will continue this subject tomorrow.
(Fifth part)
Memory verse (Isaiah 66:9): “ Shall I bring to the time of birth, and not cause delivery? says the LORD ”.
I sense it's time for birthing again; birthing dreams, visions, spiritual children, ministries, churches, leaders etc. My spirit is experiencing labors, my womb is carrying millions of spiritual children, it's time to birth a new move of God in our cities, nations and families, it’s an exciting time in God’s kingdom. God is saying it's birthing time. God is about to mess you up, He is about to mess up your night sleep, He is about to mess up your daily routines, because birthing messes up everything until new life is brought forth.
The church of Christ is dying today because of spiritual barrenness. There is no power in the churches; it's cold in the church, there is no passion because today’s churches are filled with believers and leaders whose spirit wombs are empty and barren. Churches are not growing because there are no longer men and women who are laboring in the spirit birthing forth spiritual children. The process of birthing natural children into this world is similar to birthing spiritual children into God’s kingdom (Gal 4:19). When there are no pregnant men and women in the church today, the church will have no future.
Even as I write this message, I feel my spirit troubled about the true birthing of spiritual children in God’s kingdom. Where are the men and women who have lost sleep in the night and have lost the taste for food because of the burden for their nations? You only birth what you conceived. Pastors and leaders simply lead church as professional employees. Oh, God help us or else we are dying and 50 years to come there might be no church in some nations. Help us Lord and give us men and women who are pregnant with nations, ministries, cities, and souls. God gives us men who will birth moves of God in our perilous times. Men and women who are groaning with labor pains in intercession for our dying generation. The scripture says, as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children. You cannot have labor pain unless you are pregnant. Prayer rooms and intercession groups in churches are filled with believers who are not pregnant and trying to birth things in the church. Before you travail, you ought to be carrying children in your womb. Is there any dream, vision, calling in your spirit? There is hope for you in God, begin to seek him.
Tomorrow’s subject: “ God will open the wombs ”
(Six part)
Memory verse (Isaiah 66:9): “ Shall I bring to the time of birth, and not cause delivery? says the LORD. Shall I who cause delivery shut up the womb? says your God ”.
When birthing is taking place, the wombs open up to give way for the children to come out. It’s God who created it this way. Even in the Spirit, when dreams come to the time of Birthing, God begin to open up the spirit wombs. When you have a dream from God and its birthing time comes, God opens up doors that have been shut for ages and when he opens no one shuts, God begins to open the windows and gates of heavens, God begins to open up his treasures, God begins to open doors into nations, doors into cities. God begins to open doors into peoples hearts, He begins to open financial doors, ministry doors, even prison doors. Things that seemed bound are going to be released. It's birthing time and there are things and people that are going come out of where they have been bound.
When the ministry dream God had put in my heart was born in this nation, God began to open doors for me in such an amazing way, the door to the radio, door into our prison ministry, door to meet unique people to help this vision prosper, financial doors opened until now am entering doors God is opening. Your time has come and things are going to come forth for the birthing of your dream.
I want to encourage all dear fellow dreamers, I know what you are going through. It's not fun when a mother is pregnant, it’s a burden one carry for the 9 months. Some of you have been pregnant for years. Leave alone waiting for a long time to see your dreams become a reality, it's also uncomfortable, it's painful and brings a lot of change in your life. I can tell some turmoil you are experiencing inside your life because of the vision you have. But be strong, the day for birthing is coming. You might be going through hardship, loneliness, disappointments because of the dreams you have. Joseph was hated and thrown away by his brothers because of his dreams. Sometimes dreams attract enemies but a D-day is coming. God is about to open the womb when the time is ripe and your eyes will behold what you don’t see now. Our God is a mighty God, he will open the wombs and your eyes will see the means, the right people, your spiritual children, the miracles and ways in Jesus name.
Nice dreams from heaven!!! I'll see you next Monday