(Fifth part)
Memory verse (Isaiah 66:9): “ Shall I bring to the time of birth, and not cause delivery? says the LORD ”.
I sense it's time for birthing again; birthing dreams, visions, spiritual children, ministries, churches, leaders etc. My spirit is experiencing labors, my womb is carrying millions of spiritual children, it's time to birth a new move of God in our cities, nations and families, it’s an exciting time in God’s kingdom. God is saying it's birthing time. God is about to mess you up, He is about to mess up your night sleep, He is about to mess up your daily routines, because birthing messes up everything until new life is brought forth.
The church of Christ is dying today because of spiritual barrenness. There is no power in the churches; it's cold in the church, there is no passion because today’s churches are filled with believers and leaders whose spirit wombs are empty and barren. Churches are not growing because there are no longer men and women who are laboring in the spirit birthing forth spiritual children. The process of birthing natural children into this world is similar to birthing spiritual children into God’s kingdom (Gal 4:19). When there are no pregnant men and women in the church today, the church will have no future.
Even as I write this message, I feel my spirit troubled about the true birthing of spiritual children in God’s kingdom. Where are the men and women who have lost sleep in the night and have lost the taste for food because of the burden for their nations? You only birth what you conceived. Pastors and leaders simply lead church as professional employees. Oh, God help us or else we are dying and 50 years to come there might be no church in some nations. Help us Lord and give us men and women who are pregnant with nations, ministries, cities, and souls. God gives us men who will birth moves of God in our perilous times. Men and women who are groaning with labor pains in intercession for our dying generation. The scripture says, as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children. You cannot have labor pain unless you are pregnant. Prayer rooms and intercession groups in churches are filled with believers who are not pregnant and trying to birth things in the church. Before you travail, you ought to be carrying children in your womb. Is there any dream, vision, calling in your spirit? There is hope for you in God, begin to seek him.
Tomorrow’s subject: “ God will open the wombs ”