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 (Fourth part)

Memory verse (Isaiah 66:9): “ Shall I bring to the time of birth, and not cause delivery? says the LORD ”

One of the greatest living dramas in life is when a mother comes to the time of Birthing. It’s such an experience like a Hollywood film. The whole body system of the mother becomes violent and turbulent. For 9 months, the child enjoyed a very calm, comfortable life inside the womb and all of a sudden the sea becomes rocked with waves of birth pains. The child is squeezed out. The birthing time is a time of life or death. There are risks, a mother and the child can both die in the process, or the child or the mother can die in the process. Rebecca the wife of Jacob died in the process but the child Benjamin survived. Hezekiah put it this way: the children are come to birth but there is no strength to push.         At the birthing time no mother remember food, sleep disappear completely, every thing stop and there is only one thing: bringing forth the new life. It’s the greatest battle of mankind. It's no fun and it’s not a game.

In my life I have experienced the birthing process twice. God called me to the ministry in 1996 and from that time there was something that came into my life that I could not deny. I began to walk with that sense of calling. As time went on and I went on praying more and more, the weight of the calling became bigger and bigger. I remember after I finished college and I was working in 1997, I would be in my office working and all of a sudden I would feel the sense of the calling. I would stop working for about a minute, then I would tell the Lord: “ Lord you know am not supposed to be here forever, so when the time comes for me to go to where you want me to serve you, please open those gates and let me go”. And that’s how God worked, when the time came, the company director laid off some workers and I was one of them. That very day while sleeping the Lord gave me a vision about the nation of Rwanda. I can’t tell in words how I began to feel from that time until when I transferred to Rwanda. Everybody was asking me: where are you going? What are you going to do? Who are you going with? Who is going to support you?... I had no answer for all their questions yet none of their questions could stop me, it was my birthing time. I went and shared with my pastor and told him God is calling and sending me to Rwanda, thank God for men who sense the heart of God.

We will continue this subject tomorrow.


Ikiganiro Ishimwe

Radio Ivyizigiro FM 90.9 - 104.8

Kuwa Gatatu Isaha imwe (19h)

Kuwa Gatanu Isaha Indwi n'igice (13h30)