(Six part)
Memory verse (Isaiah 66:9): “ Shall I bring to the time of birth, and not cause delivery? says the LORD. Shall I who cause delivery shut up the womb? says your God ”.
When birthing is taking place, the wombs open up to give way for the children to come out. It’s God who created it this way. Even in the Spirit, when dreams come to the time of Birthing, God begin to open up the spirit wombs. When you have a dream from God and its birthing time comes, God opens up doors that have been shut for ages and when he opens no one shuts, God begins to open the windows and gates of heavens, God begins to open up his treasures, God begins to open doors into nations, doors into cities. God begins to open doors into peoples hearts, He begins to open financial doors, ministry doors, even prison doors. Things that seemed bound are going to be released. It's birthing time and there are things and people that are going come out of where they have been bound.
When the ministry dream God had put in my heart was born in this nation, God began to open doors for me in such an amazing way, the door to the radio, door into our prison ministry, door to meet unique people to help this vision prosper, financial doors opened until now am entering doors God is opening. Your time has come and things are going to come forth for the birthing of your dream.
I want to encourage all dear fellow dreamers, I know what you are going through. It's not fun when a mother is pregnant, it’s a burden one carry for the 9 months. Some of you have been pregnant for years. Leave alone waiting for a long time to see your dreams become a reality, it's also uncomfortable, it's painful and brings a lot of change in your life. I can tell some turmoil you are experiencing inside your life because of the vision you have. But be strong, the day for birthing is coming. You might be going through hardship, loneliness, disappointments because of the dreams you have. Joseph was hated and thrown away by his brothers because of his dreams. Sometimes dreams attract enemies but a D-day is coming. God is about to open the womb when the time is ripe and your eyes will behold what you don’t see now. Our God is a mighty God, he will open the wombs and your eyes will see the means, the right people, your spiritual children, the miracles and ways in Jesus name.
Nice dreams from heaven!!! I'll see you next Monday